Kashmir Files — Yesterday’s Truth and Future’s Revolution

Prakhar Maheshwari
5 min readMar 24, 2022


The above image is enough to arouse emotions and make you understand the wrath of Jihadi ideology.

Kashmir Files, a brilliant and fantastic movie by the courageous Vivek Agnihotri with amazing actors like Anupam Kher, Pallavi Joshi, Mithun Da and others, is not just movie of the year but probably the decade.

Lakhs of cries that were unnoticed since 32 years, cries that waited for attention, justice and above all acknowledgement have now been heard and being resonated.

This 7th horrific genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990s by Islamists that included Pakistan sponsored terrorists, local govt full support, central govt’s denial of events that happened in front of their eyes and above all — The ideology amongst most Muslims in Kashmir that the land belonged to Muslims only. It is shocking to see and hear that a large section of individuals (Muslims, intellectuals, leftist media who has always been anti Hindu and elites) still do not accept this and call the movie a propaganda. You may say that the movie resonates the current govt’s ideology, but if you ask a common man then it doesn't matter.

I, like millions others do not give a shit whether it matches the current govt’s agenda or not. All I know is that these events happened, I have been hearing and reading about it since long and this is the first time someone has depicted it on a big screen.

The upsurge of emotions that you currently see in the country and especially from the Kashmiri Pandits who are now coming out with some hope and courage to tell what happened with them, is not scripted or fake. The outburst of emotions in the theatres and outside is genuine and is being felt by crores of Indians, both in the country and abroad. The ones who are in denial are doing nothing but distancing themselves even further from the majority. Even, a state in the US has officially acknowledged this horrific genocide. Nonetheless, justice delayed is justice denied, but the acknowledgement of crime will pave the way for future.

As said in the movie and also as per our Hindu scriptures, historians, proofs, etc., Kashmir was always an integral part of Bharat. And of-course it will be, Hinduism is 5000 year old, the oldest of the lot! This is the place where Rishi Munis had researched and meditated for long. How come it suddenly became a Muslim dominated space? Islam is the newest religion in the world — It just came in 700s AD. It is a well known fact that Islam was spread in the world only and only because of their aggression. Everywhere in the world, before Islam, people have been practicing their religions and this community came and shattered everything.

Knowledge, Culture, Wealth, Science — literally everything was already established in the world, and especially in Bharat and it was precisely this reason that the invaders came.

Today, when someone calls “Kashmiriyat”, I just have nothing to say but give a big frown full of disagreement. Where was this so called Kashmiriyat back in 90s? Raping, Looting, Murdering, Cutting of bodies, Live tourture — Is this Kashmiriyat? Kashmir has always belonged to Hindus, Buddhists — Whoever came later was just an aggressor and outsider. Unfortunately they became the majority.

Now obviously, the generations after the aggressors cannot be blamed — That is what the intellectuals say and yes, right to some extent. But that doesn’t deny the wrongs done earlier. What hits the most is when the same people do not even acknowledge the wrongs done by Muslims. The story, however, doesn’t end here.

One thing that is innately rooted in Islam is “La Ilaha Illallah” which essenitally denies the existence of any other God. No matter how it is written in Quran, but that is how the majority interprets it. On the contrary, “Vasudev Kutambakam” preaches that the World is One and everyone is same, entitled to practice their beliefs.

The Pakistani sponsored ideology of “Gazwa-ae-hind” is also there in many Indian Muslims, ofcourse not all. This ideology itself preaches all the wrong doings in the name of Islam.

The brutal killings shown in the movie is enough, and I am glad that it has been enough to arise emotions amongst all. Today, many of my so called secular friends and acquaintances accept the fact that Muslims were wrong in Kashmir.

Since 1947, we have been always trying to balance out any article, statement, ideology, whenever it came to Muslims. But after knowing more about the Pandits and their massacre, I clearly have no interest in balancing out, for this topic. I do not give a damn if you are surviving with 2G internet. The justice to be given to Pandits is more important.

Muslims were wrong, Intellectuals were wrong, Media was wrong, Govt was wrong in 90s, and even beyond, because they never acknowledged and did justice to the Kashmiri Pandits.

In the name of being ‘liberal’ , when you start calling out Godhra Riots or Babri in every topic related to Kashmiri Pandits, I highly denounce that. The others have been spoken about a lot garnering empathy, but never for Kashmiri Pandits. Their pain has never been raised in the mainstream media, never ever a movie was made till date, never ever any Bollywood star had come out in support of them, never ever any politician, barring BJP, spoke about them. You want to speak about others, let us have that in other forum. Do not club it with Kashmiri Pandits.

Today, common men and women are coming out in the support of Kashmiri Pandits but we still have no remark from the so called Bollywood superstars, Leftist Media, Intellectuals and Political parties like Congress. It has become crystal clear that they simply do not want to call out anything wrong to Muslims — precisely what they have been doing since the Shah Bano case. Even now, we see that sec 144 is being applied in Congress ruled states for this movie. What more clarity do you want?

To conclude, I really wish that #KashmirFiles should trend for months so that it gets imbibed in our souls. We do not want any other Kashmir in India. We do not want Bengal or UP to be the next Kashmir in India. This emotion has been possible because of a strong govt. at the centre without whom this film would not have been made. It is because of this govt that Vivek and others had confidence to make something real, or else, Soniya Gandhi would never have allowed the release of this movie.



Prakhar Maheshwari

An IT professional passionate about writing! I like to write content and express my views on variety of topics!